Anguilla Tennis AcademyThe Anguilla Progressive Association of New York, Inc
Since the inception of the Anguilla Tennis Academy (ATA) the Anguilla Progressive Association of New York, Inc. (APANY) has worked together for the betterment of Anguilla’s youth.
APANY, a 501(c)3 corporation was chartered in the State of New York by Anguillians with a mission to assist other Anguillians at home and abroad. As part of its broad mission, APANY is committed to assist the youth of Anguilla in their growth and development.
The partnership between APANY and ATA has resulted in positive results and helps APANY to fulfill its mission. APANY is authorized to accept tax deductible contributions for the ATA.
Just 3 Easy Steps
- Click on the icon. It will take you to our US partner, the Anguilla Progressive Association of New York Inc. (APANY)
- Scroll down and Click the Anguilla Tennis Academy PayPal Donate button.
- Enter your Donation Amount and complete the Paypal form or Log in if you already have a Paypal account.
Cheques can be made payable to Anguilla Progressive Association of New York “APANY”. Be sure to include “Anguilla Tennis Academy” in the memo line.
Cheques can be mailed to 579 Mineola Ave, Carle Place, NY 11514 to the attention of Mr. Gregory Hodge.
APANY is a registered 501(c)(3) Association that supports tax deductible donations for the Anguilla Tennis Academy.
100% of the donated funds will be made available to the Anguilla Tennis Academy.
Thank you for supporting the development of Anguillan children through the sport of tennis.

Anguilla Tennis AcademyT Bar M Racquet Club
TBarM Racquet Club has been working with the Anguilla Tennis Academy for over 23 years. TBarM’s role in the partnership with the ATA, is to help train the ATA’s tennis coaches to build upon their tennis instruction skills. In addition, TBarM facilitates the training of students seeking tennis athletic scholarships. TBarM has hosted several ATA players who travelled to Dallas over the years to train with TBarM juniors and coaching staff.
TBarM’s relationship with college coaches in various states through the United States is instrumental in the ATA’s pursuit to assist the ATA’s junior players obtain scholarships to attend colleges throughout the USA. Many have gone on to graduate school or returned to Anguilla with professional credentials.
The ATA has become a center of excellence. It continues to shape lives and provide opportunities for children through the sport of tennis. TBarM is honored to be playing a pivotal role and making a positive impact in the lives of the Anguillan children participating in the ATA programs.

Tennis Central
Anguilla Tennis AcademyTennis Central
Tennis Central is an organization that aspires to inspire every tennis player’s journey. It is believed that tennis is a lifestyle sport that is uniquely positioned to provide exceptional outlets for discovering new destinations, new people, new cultures, and new personal accomplishments along the way.
Tennis is a fulfilling activity that elevates players personally and professionally. In its quest to partner with organizations with a similar pedigree, Tennis Central is excited about the collaboration with the Anguilla Tennis Academy. The work that coach Mitchelle Lake has done over the past 25 years is nothing short of extraordinary. He has single handedly elevated thousands of Anguillan youth and provided them with opportunities that have transformed and continue to shape their lives today.
Tennis Central aims to introduce the wonderful Island of Anguilla, the Anguilla Tennis Academy, its players and the local culture to deserving tennis players from the USA. The first highly anticipated Tennis Service Trip benefiting the Anguilla Tennis Academy this summer is scheduled for July 10th to July 25th 2021. This is transcendent Inspiration in its purest form for all participants.